
We are proud to be part of a community of florists, who use Strelitzia around the globe. We don’t just want you to take our word for it, we have 100’s of florists across the UK, Ireland and worldwide that use Strelitzia. We think it’s important for Florists to hear from other florists, to really see how Strelitzia has made an impact on their business.

Bethany, Flowers by Bethany

Manchester, UK

Do you feel Strelitzia improved your organisation this Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day compared to last? Strelitzia has really improved our organisation over the 3 peaks. Being able to find

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Alison, Mad Lilies

Banstead, UK

“The two biggest benefits, I believe, are the fact I am able to quickly and easily organise delivery lists, especially at the peak periods. The second benefit is that I

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Sharon, Colonnade Florist

Tunbridge Wells, UK

“Where to start…..! Strelitzia has made my life so much easier. It is efficient and portrays a very professional impression. I love the accounting, I used to pay someone £40.00

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Jenny, Flowers By Moira

Dunshaughlin, Ireland

“Strelitzia Software is a florist’s best friend; one system can do it all, managing your day to day orders, invoices and marketing. “The team at Strelitzia provide an excellent back up and support programme to you

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Sally, Flowers By Nattrass

Darlington, UK

“I’ve used Strelitzia in my shop since the beginning. I would be completely lost without it, as the software looks after everything I do from accounts to my database to

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Erica, Erica Berry Flowers

Ilkley, UK

“One of the main reasons for investing in Strelitzia, is that I wanted to be able to build a database to make sure we could market to our customers as well

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Lorna, Fullers Flowers

Princes Risborough, UK

“Although I love nostalgia and obviously a lot of our brand is based on the nostalgic memories of times gone by; when running a successful retail business you have to

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Natasha, Pinks Florists

Barnet, UK

Established in 1982, Pinks Florists is an ever growing, thriving florist located in the busy Spires Shopping Centre. Natasha took over the business in 2017, having previously been an employee.

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We'd Love To Hear From You

We truly believe that we provide industry-leading software, specifically designed by florists and we are absolutely thrilled when florists contact us to let us know how their business has changed.

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Fun Facts

Strelitzia is now in 7 countries

Fun Facts

100's of florists use Strelitzia

Fun Facts

Create your invoices in less than 5 minutes

Fun Facts

All your deliveries in one place ready to route

Fun Facts

Instantly see your best selling item this week

Fun Facts

Do you know how well your team is performing? Strelitzia will show you

Fun Facts

Run a quick report to see how many roses you sold last Valentine's Day

Fun Facts

A large range of florists use Strelitzia - florists with multiple shops through to florists who work on their own

Fun Facts

Can't remember how many Holly Wreaths you sold in December last year? Strelitzia will find that out for you!