No obligation just a friendly florist who has been at it for nearly 40 years (at last count..). Strelitzia has no minimum contract as it has to work for your business.

It’s important to us that you fully understand the great benefits of Strelitzia to both your business and your lifestyle, and Mark will get excited when he gets to show you exactly what we can do with a free demo. What have you got to lose?

Which florists can benefit from Strelitzia?

  • Retail Florist
  • Studio Florists
  • Event Florists
  • All florists

By investing in the equivalent of selling just one extra bouquet per month, we offer a transformative solution. Not only can we help you save costs, but we also provide comprehensive insights into your business operations, minimise waste and establish real-time communication channels with your customers.

What Mark Will Cover

Sometimes just looking at a website with a list of features doesn’t do it justice. Right? That’s why we always offer florists a free, full demonstration so that together we can understand which features and which package would make the most impact and you get to see exactly what the software looks like in real life.

We’ll show you how our system can benefit your business;

  • Streamline your workroom
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Increase your turnover
  • Create more

Alternatively, if you just want to know how it’s going to transform your florist business, then give one of our Customer Services Team a call and we can talk you through step-by-step or even book you a free demo. We can’t wait to get you started.


Fun Facts

Strelitzia is now in 7 countries

Fun Facts

100's of florists use Strelitzia

Fun Facts

Create your invoices in less than 5 minutes

Fun Facts

All your deliveries in one place ready to route

Fun Facts

Instantly see your best selling item this week

Fun Facts

Do you know how well your team is performing? Strelitzia will show you

Fun Facts

Run a quick report to see how many roses you sold last Valentine's Day

Fun Facts

A large range of florists use Strelitzia - florists with multiple shops through to florists who work on their own

Fun Facts

Can't remember how many Holly Wreaths you sold in December last year? Strelitzia will find that out for you!