
By investing in the equivalent of selling just one extra bouquet per month, we offer a transformative solution. Not only can we help you save costs, but we also provide comprehensive insights into your business operations, minimise waste and establish real-time communication channels with your customers.

Tailor our Software to Your Florist

Please select an option below:


£60 per shop per month

when paid annually, or if you prefer to pay monthly, we charge £65 per shop per month.

£150 one-off set-up cost.

What’s included?

  • Create easy and simple orders, taken over the phone or in person
  • See all your orders in one place, organised for you
  • Integrated Payments with Strelitzia Pay
  • Assign your employees bouquets to make up
  • Integrated Delivery List with Strelitzia Wedding & Events
  • Weekly contract orders are repeated automatically
  • Put orders directly onto accounts, and create monthly invoices in seconds
  • Keep your cash flow positive
  • Run reports and gain control over your facts and figures
  • Easily use your customer data to send marketing emails

Florist Shop, Florist Management Software for Florist


Introductory Offer!

Get your first 3 months at £45 to see if Strelitzia will work for your florist.

Post offer £75 per shop per month
£150 one-off set-up cost.

What’s included?

  • Unlimited Proposals with unlimited moodboards, colour palettes, flower palettes
  • Industry-leading client login
  • Integrated Payments with Strelitzia Pay for you and your brides
  • Hire Prooduct organisation with hire and return dates
  • Stem counts generating makeup lists and buying list
  • Calendar and appointment organisation
  • Integrated Delivery List with Strelitzia Shop & Studio
  • Messaging function between you and your brides
  • Run reports and gain control over your facts and figures
  • Easily use your customer data to send marketing emails


We think our customers that take advantage of all

Integration of Shop & Studio, Wedding & Events & Go

10% discount on all subscriptions

Integration of Shop & Studio, Wedding & Events, Go & Pay

15% discount on all subscriptions  (excludes Strelitzia Pay rates)


£20.00 per month to optimise your Delivery Process

What’s included?

  • Enables your driver to use their phone or tablet as a delivery list
  • Links to Google Maps
  • Real-time updates letting your customer their flowers have been delivered
  • Increase efficiency
  • Reduce mistakes
  • Paperless delivery service

Strelitzia Business Florist Management Software Solutions


Consumer Debit Card From 0.4%
Consumer Credit Card From 0.7%
Commercial Debit Card From 1.3%
Commercial Credit Card From 2.15%

Process payments seamlessly within S&S for gift or funeral orders and within W&E for you or your client. Enter card details and the registered address to complete the transaction without leaving the platform or using a separate card machine. Receipts are emailed, orders are in make-up ready to be processed, and EPOS integration ensures easy cashing up.


EPOS is free with your Shop & Studio subscription.

There is a wealth of EPOS solutions out there; some are eye-wateringly expensive. But EPOS hardware doesn’t need to cost the earth. At Strelitzia HQ we have done our research to make EPOS hardware for florists as affordable as possible.

To use Strelitzia EPOS you will need a Windows Computer.


Already got a computer? Then that’s all you need.
  • Windows PC
  • Apple MACs
  • Chrome books
  • Android
  • Windows Tablet
  • iPad

To use Strelitzia EPOS & our Interflora connector you will need a Windows Computer.

While our advice is to use a computer as your primary Strelitzia device, this is only because a bigger screen, a keyboard and a mouse make your life easier. Tablets are also compatible with Strelitzia.

We recommend you use a tablet for your Strelitzia driver login. That way it is easy for your driver to see directions from Google Maps in the van.


We work directly with the following industry partners to create connections for you free of charge.


Florist WindowFloral Cloud

Interflora requires a Windows PC.


We only charge a small amount for webhooks our programmers have created to contribute to a small amount of their time.

£75 One-off cost

Squarespace requires a Commerce Advanced subscription for a Commerce API.

Fun Facts

Strelitzia is now in 7 countries

Fun Facts

100's of florists use Strelitzia

Fun Facts

Create your invoices in less than 5 minutes

Fun Facts

All your deliveries in one place ready to route

Fun Facts

Instantly see your best selling item this week

Fun Facts

Do you know how well your team is performing? Strelitzia will show you

Fun Facts

Run a quick report to see how many roses you sold last Valentine's Day

Fun Facts

A large range of florists use Strelitzia - florists with multiple shops through to florists who work on their own

Fun Facts

Can't remember how many Holly Wreaths you sold in December last year? Strelitzia will find that out for you!