For Florists. By Florists
Join the 100’s of florists across the world making their life easier, with florist software Strelitzia.
Join the 100’s of florists across the world making their life easier, with florist software Strelitzia.
“It’s like having another member of staff in the shop, but without the monthly wage bill.” Clare, Riverside Flowers, Lewes on how florist software Strelitzia helps her business.
Auto-route your deliveries
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Take & Process Orders
One of the key features of Strelitzia is our order taking process for gift & funeral orders. Everything you need on one page to capture all the details you need.
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All Your Orders In One Place
Your bible. All your orders are in one place, easy to see and allocate to your florists. Review or search for all your orders in one place.
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Manage Your Deliveries
Strelitzia provides an easy and professional platform to sort, manage and route your deliveries all in one place. Ditch the pad and paper in one fell swoop.
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Turn You Tablet Into A Modern Register
Strelitzia turns your computer screen or tablet into a modern till/cash register, saving you invaluable space.
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Save Time On Accounts
Strelitzia includes a full sales accounting package, majorly saving you time on your accounts.
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Quickly Replicate Orders
You don’t have to worry about remembering what contract orders need entering and when, as Strelitzia does all that for you.
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Integrate With Other Platforms
If you have a website or are part of a relay company, Strelitzia will link up to both platforms, create and print your orders.
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Understand Your Business
Generate invaluable management reports to understand how your shop operates, breaking down the different aspects of your business.
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Create Marketing Databases
Create a database of all your customers which you can export in minutes to the marketing tool of your choice.
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Strelitzia Pay
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Save time and money
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We’re florists too! We run Flowers by Nattrass, and during a free demo, we take you through how Strelitzia works for us. We get what it’s like to be in the florist industry, and we’re here to help.
Looking for and implementing florist software can seem scary and daunting. But with Strelitzia it doesn’t have to be! Strelitzia takes everything you do on a day-to-day basis and makes it easy. We give you the power to crunch those numbers and monitor how your business is doing.
And we help you along the way. Our customer service team is made up of people who know the industry (Archie’s wife runs a shop too), and they can help you through everything. If you need advice on how to export your database to do a spot of email marketing, or if you can’t remember how to send your invoices, all you need to do is give us a ring!
“Easy to use, online based means I can access from anywhere and also having orders on system means no paperwork can go missing!” Natasha, Spires Florist
“It has really streamlined my business, Brilliant for keeping records of customers, for easy delivery runs” Ina, Ina McCarthy Flowers
A large range of florists use Strelitzia - florists with multiple shops through to florists who work on their own
Can't remember how many Holly Wreaths you sold in December last year? Strelitzia will find that out for you!