Refer a florist

For Strelitzia Users

If you’re a Strelitzia user and you refer a fellow florist to have a demo of Strelitzia and they go for it, we’ll give you 3 months subscription absolutely free! That’s worth £150 + VAT.

And, there’s no limit! If you refer 2 florists, that’s 6 months free. A whole year if you refer 4.

Interested in Strelitzia?

If you don’t use Strelitzia at the moment, and a florist you know recommends us, we’ll give you your first month free. That’s worth £50 + VAT.

All you need to do is fill out the form below, and let us know which Strelitzia user referred you. We’ll get in touch with you to organise a demo, then if you sign up to Strelitzia we’ll give you and them the discount.

Refer a Florist Deal

Your first and last name
The name of your business
e.g. Rose Bennett
e.g. Flowers by Rose
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Fun Facts

Strelitzia is now in 7 countries

Fun Facts

100's of florists use Strelitzia

Fun Facts

Create your invoices in less than 5 minutes

Fun Facts

All your deliveries in one place ready to route

Fun Facts

Instantly see your best selling item this week

Fun Facts

Do you know how well your team is performing? Strelitzia will show you

Fun Facts

Run a quick report to see how many roses you sold last Valentine's Day

Fun Facts

A large range of florists use Strelitzia - florists with multiple shops through to florists who work on their own

Fun Facts

Can't remember how many Holly Wreaths you sold in December last year? Strelitzia will find that out for you!