Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity for you to get some corporate sales to compliment your gift sales. They are a great way to get your Valentine’s sales going, as, let’s face it, businesses are more organised than men looking for last minute roses! Unless you’re like our MD Mark, pictured above, whose got his order in at our sister company Flowers by Nattrass already… right Sally?
So, what kind of corporate sales can you look for?
There are a number of options to sell to restaurants, and in turn, restaurants can use your product to boost their own sales.
Single roses: gift wrapped or simply as they are to give to each table.
A rose in a vase: great for the table and a lovely freebie for their customers.
It doesn’t even have to be a rose… you could offer a different option for restaurants looking for something a little different. Take some pictures of your samples so the restaurants can use them on social media and email advertising in the run up.
With Valentine’s Day being on a Monday, a weekend away will be popular.
Hotels in your area might want to offer guests the option to purchase a bouquet to be there in the room when they arrive. You could offer free delivery if you get so many orders, as well as a range of options – for example mixed bouquets as well as the traditional dozen.
Make a list of your local hotels give them a free sample – it only has to be small, and the idea is for them to gain trust in your product.
Maybe the hardest sell, but if you don’t try you don’t succeed! You could get some leaflets made with a selection of your Valentine’s Range. Drop them into local offices along with a free sample for the office to enjoy.
Instant Print is our go-to online service for leaflets. It costs as little as £21 for 100 A5 leaflets, and they have templates for you to add your own pictures to make it as easy as possible. Once you’ve started making relationships with these businesses, you’ll be on the front foot for Mother’s Day, as you can offer the same kind of products.
Be brave and go for it!